Showing posts with label Alt Appreciation Weeks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alt Appreciation Weeks. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Priest Week: Summary

Oh Thealy, my dear Thealy.

Paladin Week: Summary

Ohmy is my paladin, and she was my third character to hit 70 in Burning Crusade. Paladin tanking in BC was a bit of a mess. Or, tanking in general really. What seemed most weird right now is that you needed a certain amount of Spell Power to make enough threat to hold mobs and bosses. Spells like Concecration and Avenger's Shield did holy damage, and thus became stronger with more spell power. The typical thing to do as a Protection Paladin was to go for a spell power-weapon in main hand. If I'm not mistaken, there was also "mana per 5" on some of the protection gear sets. Just like the hunter gear sets. Things have changed...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Monk Week: Shunbi

Meet Shunbi, my third monk!

Monk Week: Ninasan

It's paladin week, so what better time to introduce Ninasan, my second monk? ;)

Monk Week: Summary

I hope you all had fun with Monk Week. :) I know I did! So much fun that I haven't written all the posts I planned yet. My main monk has been raiding, my second monk got to do one wing of the flex raid, and my third monk is now level 86!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Monk Week: Kinlai

This is Kinlai. My monk, my main character, and my most played character over the last year.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mage Week: Summary

The poor mages had to share week with another class named "patch". ;-) A lot of bloggers still found some time to show the mages some appreciation, although after hunter week the amount of posts declined a bit. After reading these posts, it seems to me that I'm not the only one that don't feel like I have the arcane, fire and frost magics under control.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mage Week

Inspired by the resent destruction of beautiful Vale of Eternal Blossoms, I'm gonna let my inner Sha handle Mage Week.


It makes me angry when others play their mages so well, but I just can't seem to get it right!

Hunter Week: Summary

Hunter Week was a great success! 70, SEVENTY, blog posts about hunters! Wow... And that's just the ones that I found. Some people took the ball and just ran with it! The Godmother made two new hunter alts, letting Twitter decide on faction/race and made an all-hunter horde guild on Draenor EU. Many people had several posts in them about their hunters, and there was a lot of proud posts with lots of feelings. This is not a contest, but if it was, hunters would be in the lead...

#HunterWeek (2 Sep - 8 Sep)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Hunter Week

I don't even know where to start! You know the header image of this blog? (Move your eyes upwards from this text until you see a badass draenei hunter.) That is The Laeleiweyn running together with her pet Ratchet. Ratchet was her first pet, an Infected Nightstalker from outside of Exodar on Azuremyst Isle, and he is named after PS2-game Ratchet and Clank. It troubled me quite a bit that he was in fact "infected", but he's still alive and well, thank you. (Infected didn't have the deeper meaning that newbie Lae imagined.) In her hand Laeleiweyn is holding Rhok'delar.

Druid Week: Summary

When Druid Week started, I had two goals for my Lilliel:
  1. Change spec from boomkin to feral
  2. Get to level 90

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Death Knight Week: Summary

So, how did Death Knight Week go for me?

Salay did get to tank the World Bosses. I think I died 3 times on Oondasta, AFTER bragging on Twitter about how good I was getting at managing my survivability cooldowns... She also tanked some heroic scenarios, which I kind of like. In normal scenarios people can get a bit annoyed if a tank joins, but in heroic scenarios they're just happy to not have to deal with aggro. She has also done all of Throne of Thunder (LFR), BUT as DPS in frost spec (with her tank gear equipped). I didn't really like the Frost Spec much, so I'm sticking with my Blood Spec. But I couldn't make myself tank LFR all on my own, so there's that. I am a coward. I'll keep doing some heroic scenarios and world bosses here and there, but after doing those LFRs, I have concluded that it's not really my wish to have all of my characters following the same progression path, so I will likely not do those on her anymore.

Druid Week

Druid is a class that is extremely important to me. My own feeble attempts at druidism make up a sad story, so this is mostly about the other druids that I love.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Death Knight Week

This is my Death Knight, Salay. She was my third character to reach 90 after my monk and my hunter, which must mean I like her.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Alt Appreciation!

Are you a fellow altoholic? Do you love all your alts equally, or do you have some alts that are kind of... neglected? Did you have plans to level, gear or roleplay them all, but never got around to it?

I would like for everyone to join me the next 11 weeks (and perhaps we continue after that as well) to celebrate all the classes!